Tuesday, February 16, 2010

'Member Spay and Neuter!

"Sitzpinkler - A German word, slang for wimp, that literally means a man who has to sit to pee."

"Singleton, you need to believe in God worse than anyone I ever met."

"You amie lots of stupid crap."

"Two hours after passing the World's Largest Crucifix, Hassan brought it back up."

"Hassan Harbish. Sunni Muslim. Not a terrorist."

"We should probably save this for the second date."

"That's it. We are terse people. Terse and also hungry."

"....five minutes late some psycho's lobbing off my nuts with a machete while his schizophrenic wife makes Colin do push-ups on a bed of hot coals."

"What? Pigs don't speak Arabic?"


"Were on a trail/A trail of tears/There's a dip on my chin/and were gonna die here"

"And-I just want to make sure I have my facts straight here-she's naked?"

"Hassan mumbled, Sajill. Arabic for record."


"P.S. Just kidding."

I loved the book, especially the part about the schizophrenic wife. Do you like the Bob Barker quote? Spay and neutering is very important.

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