Monday, January 18, 2010


Tonight I watched Chuck and Heroes. Ahh, how I have waited for that. I look forward to these two shows all Monday. Today we didn't have school, but I still couldn't wait. They are both completely different, but still totally amazing!

Adam Monroe is my favorite character. Even though he's a villain I think he's totally cool. He was on tonights episode even though he died in season three. The beauty of science fiction, people can reappear. I think Nathan Petrelli has died six times, so I'm waiting a little bit to see if he comes back form the dead....again.

Mohinder Suresh is mom's favorite, she thinks he's way cooler than Adam, but she has only just begun to watch the show. She's doesn't know the difference.....he might be a hero, but he's done bad things.

I'm worried about my spanish final......

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