Your sweatshirt is quite comfortable, I received a lot of complements today. Either the people complemented me or they were confused because I was wearing both of your shirts. Mom and Gretchen both told me they didn't remember it. Mom (before I explained everything) stood up for you and told me to "give it back to Meghan". So, gracias!
Dear Courtney,
Been there done that. Don't get caught up in it all, I'm very happy for you, but I don't want you to....Ferris Bueller says it perfectly: If this keeps going on, the first girl he(she) sleeps with he's(she's) gonna marry. Also, I think you'ed like this poem: Love many, Trust few, Always paddle your own canoe! It describes you in three lines. Lastly, you're horoscope says: your best day ever will be on April 30th 2010.
Dear Tessa,
I really enjoyed your little post, so that's why I'm copying it. But think of it as a complement. Man, I miss you at lunch. Were talking all about Hitler now....great lunch topic.....oh what joy! I have recently become obsessed with the little ë things so much to the point where I am day dreaming about how I could make my illegitimate kids names work with it. Yea, I need help.
Dear America,
This remind you of anyone?
Girl!!!!!!! Of course it's going to be my best day ever! I'll be hanging out with you!!!!! As for that, well, it's basically over. It was stupid and idiotic and I don't know what I was thinking.
Join the club, we have shirts.
I'm glad I inspired you, I guess I'm really good at that, nbd
is that supposed to be me? ha. ha. ha.
Yea, I found it and thought of you right away. :)
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