Sunday, February 6, 2011

Not a Community, a Family

Meghan recently did a post on her Thursday night line up of TV. Now I don't really watch a lot of TV in one sitting (due to the two hour rule in our house that I really only follow) but this weekend I spent all of Saturday in my room watching the first season of Community. Season two makes a lot more sense now that I know what went on during season one. Like that Jeff is/was a lawyer.
I should have learned after watching Heroes in reverse order to just start from the very beginning. This happened with Eureka too, I tend to do a lot of Wikipedia research when starting a new show. I really like that they took Spanish because I could understand what they were saying (like the rap) and that SeƱor Chang really wasn't that good at Spanish.


sonia said...

pssh, girl, that song is on my ipod :)

proud of you.

Liz said...

Dude! Me too!

sonia said...

we...should.. rap it together. I call being Abed!

"yea boi, boi... yea boi" :)